Yahoo! UI Library

TreeView Widget  2.6.0

Yahoo! UI Library > treeview > Node.js (source view)

(function () {
	var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
		Lang = YAHOO.lang,
		Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
 * The base class for all tree nodes.  The node's presentation and behavior in
 * response to mouse events is handled in Node subclasses.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class Node
 * @uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider
 * @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
 * be used to render this node, and any custom attributes that should be
 * stored with the node (which is available in
 * All values in oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
 * as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private or functions.
 * @param oParent {Node} this node's parent node
 * @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated, use oData.expanded)
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.Node = function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
    if (oData) { this.init(oData, oParent, expanded); }

YAHOO.widget.Node.prototype = {

     * The index for this instance obtained from global counter in YAHOO.widget.TreeView.
     * @property index
     * @type int
    index: 0,

     * This node's child node collection.
     * @property children
     * @type Node[] 
    children: null,

     * Tree instance this node is part of
     * @property tree
     * @type TreeView
    tree: null,

     * The data linked to this node.  This can be any object or primitive
     * value, and the data can be used in getNodeHtml().
     * @property data
     * @type object
    data: null,

     * Parent node
     * @property parent
     * @type Node
    parent: null,

     * The depth of this node.  We start at -1 for the root node.
     * @property depth
     * @type int
    depth: -1,

     * The href for the node's label.  If one is not specified, the href will
     * be set so that it toggles the node.
     * @property href
     * @type string
    href: null,

     * The label href target, defaults to current window
     * @property target
     * @type string
    target: "_self",

     * The node's expanded/collapsed state
     * @property expanded
     * @type boolean
    expanded: false,

     * Can multiple children be expanded at once?
     * @property multiExpand
     * @type boolean
    multiExpand: true,

     * Should we render children for a collapsed node?  It is possible that the
     * implementer will want to render the hidden data...  @todo verify that we 
     * need this, and implement it if we do.
     * @property renderHidden
     * @type boolean
    renderHidden: false,

     * This flag is set to true when the html is generated for this node's
     * children, and set to false when new children are added.
     * @property childrenRendered
     * @type boolean
    childrenRendered: false,

     * Dynamically loaded nodes only fetch the data the first time they are
     * expanded.  This flag is set to true once the data has been fetched.
     * @property dynamicLoadComplete
     * @type boolean
    dynamicLoadComplete: false,

     * This node's previous sibling
     * @property previousSibling
     * @type Node
    previousSibling: null,

     * This node's next sibling
     * @property nextSibling
     * @type Node
    nextSibling: null,

     * We can set the node up to call an external method to get the child
     * data dynamically.
     * @property _dynLoad
     * @type boolean
     * @private
    _dynLoad: false,

     * Function to execute when we need to get this node's child data.
     * @property dataLoader
     * @type function
    dataLoader: null,

     * This is true for dynamically loading nodes while waiting for the
     * callback to return.
     * @property isLoading
     * @type boolean
    isLoading: false,

     * The toggle/branch icon will not show if this is set to false.  This
     * could be useful if the implementer wants to have the child contain
     * extra info about the parent, rather than an actual node.
     * @property hasIcon
     * @type boolean
    hasIcon: true,

     * Used to configure what happens when a dynamic load node is expanded
     * and we discover that it does not have children.  By default, it is
     * treated as if it still could have children (plus/minus icon).  Set
     * iconMode to have it display like a leaf node instead.
     * @property iconMode
     * @type int
    iconMode: 0,

     * Specifies whether or not the content area of the node should be allowed
     * to wrap.
     * @property nowrap
     * @type boolean
     * @default false
    nowrap: false,

     * If true, the node will alway be rendered as a leaf node.  This can be
     * used to override the presentation when dynamically loading the entire
     * tree.  Setting this to true also disables the dynamic load call for the
     * node.
     * @property isLeaf
     * @type boolean
     * @default false
    isLeaf: false,

     * The CSS class for the html content container.  Defaults to ygtvhtml, but 
     * can be overridden to provide a custom presentation for a specific node.
     * @property contentStyle
     * @type string
    contentStyle: "",

     * The generated id that will contain the data passed in by the implementer.
     * @property contentElId
     * @type string
    contentElId: null,
     * The node type
     * @property _type
     * @private
     * @type string
     * @default "Node"
    _type: "Node",

    spacerPath: "",
    expandedText: "Expanded",
    collapsedText: "Collapsed",
    loadingText: "Loading",

     * Initializes this node, gets some of the properties from the parent
     * @method init
     * @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
     * be used to render this node
     * @param oParent {Node} this node's parent node
     * @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state
    init: function(oData, oParent, expanded) {       = oData;
        this.children   = [];
        this.index      = YAHOO.widget.TreeView.nodeCount;
		this.contentElId = "ygtvcontentel" + this.index;
		if (Lang.isObject(oData)) {
			for (var property in oData) {
				if (property.charAt(0) != '_'  && oData.hasOwnProperty(property) && !Lang.isUndefined(this[property]) && !Lang.isFunction(this[property]) ) {
					this[property] = oData[property];
		if (!Lang.isUndefined(expanded) ) {	this.expanded  = expanded;	}
        this.logger     = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter(this.toString());

         * The parentChange event is fired when a parent element is applied
         * to the node.  This is useful if you need to apply tree-level
         * properties to a tree that need to happen if a node is moved from
         * one tree to another.
         * @event parentChange
         * @type CustomEvent
        this.createEvent("parentChange", this);

        // oParent should never be null except when we create the root node.
        if (oParent) {

     * Certain properties for the node cannot be set until the parent
     * is known. This is called after the node is inserted into a tree.
     * the parent is also applied to this node's children in order to
     * make it possible to move a branch from one tree to another.
     * @method applyParent
     * @param {Node} parentNode this node's parent node
     * @return {boolean} true if the application was successful
    applyParent: function(parentNode) {
        if (!parentNode) {
            return false;

        this.tree   = parentNode.tree;
        this.parent = parentNode;
        this.depth  = parentNode.depth + 1;

        // @todo why was this put here.  This causes new nodes added at the
        // root level to lose the menu behavior.
        // if (! this.multiExpand) {
            // this.multiExpand = parentNode.multiExpand;
        // }

        parentNode.childrenRendered = false;

        // cascade update existing children
        for (var i=0, len=this.children.length;i<len;++i) {


        return true;

     * Appends a node to the child collection.
     * @method appendChild
     * @param childNode {Node} the new node
     * @return {Node} the child node
     * @private
    appendChild: function(childNode) {
        if (this.hasChildren()) {
            var sib = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
            sib.nextSibling = childNode;
            childNode.previousSibling = sib;
        this.children[this.children.length] = childNode;

        // part of the IE display issue workaround. If child nodes
        // are added after the initial render, and the node was
        // instantiated with expanded = true, we need to show the
        // children div now that the node has a child.
        if (this.childrenRendered && this.expanded) {
            this.getChildrenEl().style.display = "";

        return childNode;

     * Appends this node to the supplied node's child collection
     * @method appendTo
     * @param parentNode {Node} the node to append to.
     * @return {Node} The appended node
    appendTo: function(parentNode) {
        return parentNode.appendChild(this);

    * Inserts this node before this supplied node
    * @method insertBefore
    * @param node {Node} the node to insert this node before
    * @return {Node} the inserted node
    insertBefore: function(node) {
        this.logger.log("insertBefore: " + node);
        var p = node.parent;
        if (p) {

            if (this.tree) {

            var refIndex = node.isChildOf(p);
            p.children.splice(refIndex, 0, this);
            if (node.previousSibling) {
                node.previousSibling.nextSibling = this;
            this.previousSibling = node.previousSibling;
            this.nextSibling = node;
            node.previousSibling = this;


        return this;
    * Inserts this node after the supplied node
    * @method insertAfter
    * @param node {Node} the node to insert after
    * @return {Node} the inserted node
    insertAfter: function(node) {
        this.logger.log("insertAfter: " + node);
        var p = node.parent;
        if (p) {

            if (this.tree) {

            var refIndex = node.isChildOf(p);

            if (!node.nextSibling) {
                this.nextSibling = null;
                return this.appendTo(p);

            p.children.splice(refIndex + 1, 0, this);

            node.nextSibling.previousSibling = this;
            this.previousSibling = node;
            this.nextSibling = node.nextSibling;
            node.nextSibling = this;


        return this;

    * Returns true if the Node is a child of supplied Node
    * @method isChildOf
    * @param parentNode {Node} the Node to check
    * @return {boolean} The node index if this Node is a child of 
    *                   supplied Node, else -1.
    * @private
    isChildOf: function(parentNode) {
        if (parentNode && parentNode.children) {
            for (var i=0, len=parentNode.children.length; i<len ; ++i) {
                if (parentNode.children[i] === this) {
                    return i;

        return -1;

     * Returns a node array of this node's siblings, null if none.
     * @method getSiblings
     * @return Node[]
    getSiblings: function() {
		var sib =  this.parent.children.slice(0);
		for (var i=0;i < sib.length && sib[i] != this;i++) {}
		if (sib.length) { return sib; }
		return null;

     * Shows this node's children
     * @method showChildren
    showChildren: function() {
        if (!this.tree.animateExpand(this.getChildrenEl(), this)) {
            if (this.hasChildren()) {
                this.getChildrenEl().style.display = "";

     * Hides this node's children
     * @method hideChildren
    hideChildren: function() {
        this.logger.log("hiding " + this.index);

        if (!this.tree.animateCollapse(this.getChildrenEl(), this)) {
            this.getChildrenEl().style.display = "none";

     * Returns the id for this node's container div
     * @method getElId
     * @return {string} the element id
    getElId: function() {
        return "ygtv" + this.index;

     * Returns the id for this node's children div
     * @method getChildrenElId
     * @return {string} the element id for this node's children div
    getChildrenElId: function() {
        return "ygtvc" + this.index;

     * Returns the id for this node's toggle element
     * @method getToggleElId
     * @return {string} the toggel element id
    getToggleElId: function() {
        return "ygtvt" + this.index;

     * Returns the id for this node's spacer image.  The spacer is positioned
     * over the toggle and provides feedback for screen readers.
     * @method getSpacerId
     * @return {string} the id for the spacer image
    getSpacerId: function() {
        return "ygtvspacer" + this.index;

     * Returns this node's container html element
     * @method getEl
     * @return {HTMLElement} the container html element
    getEl: function() {
        return Dom.get(this.getElId());

     * Returns the div that was generated for this node's children
     * @method getChildrenEl
     * @return {HTMLElement} this node's children div
    getChildrenEl: function() {
        return Dom.get(this.getChildrenElId());

     * Returns the element that is being used for this node's toggle.
     * @method getToggleEl
     * @return {HTMLElement} this node's toggle html element
    getToggleEl: function() {
        return Dom.get(this.getToggleElId());
	* Returns the outer html element for this node's content
	* @method getContentEl
	* @return {HTMLElement} the element
    getContentEl: function() { 
        return Dom.get(this.contentElId);

     * Returns the element that is being used for this node's spacer.
     * @method getSpacer
     * @return {HTMLElement} this node's spacer html element
    getSpacer: function() {
        return document.getElementById( this.getSpacerId() ) || {};

    getStateText: function() {
        if (this.isLoading) {
            return this.loadingText;
        } else if (this.hasChildren(true)) {
            if (this.expanded) {
                return this.expandedText;
            } else {
                return this.collapsedText;
        } else {
            return "";

     * Hides this nodes children (creating them if necessary), changes the toggle style.
     * @method collapse
    collapse: function() {
        // Only collapse if currently expanded
        if (!this.expanded) { return; }

        // fire the collapse event handler
        var ret = this.tree.onCollapse(this);

        if (false === ret) {
            this.logger.log("Collapse was stopped by the abstract onCollapse");

        ret = this.tree.fireEvent("collapse", this);

        if (false === ret) {
            this.logger.log("Collapse was stopped by a custom event handler");

        if (!this.getEl()) {
            this.expanded = false;
        } else {
            // hide the child div
            this.expanded = false;


        // this.getSpacer().title = this.getStateText();

        ret = this.tree.fireEvent("collapseComplete", this);


     * Shows this nodes children (creating them if necessary), changes the
     * toggle style, and collapses its siblings if multiExpand is not set.
     * @method expand
    expand: function(lazySource) {
        // Only expand if currently collapsed.
        if (this.expanded && !lazySource) { 

        var ret = true;

        // When returning from the lazy load handler, expand is called again
        // in order to render the new children.  The "expand" event already
        // fired before fething the new data, so we need to skip it now.
        if (!lazySource) {
            // fire the expand event handler
            ret = this.tree.onExpand(this);

            if (false === ret) {
                this.logger.log("Expand was stopped by the abstract onExpand");
            ret = this.tree.fireEvent("expand", this);

        if (false === ret) {
            this.logger.log("Expand was stopped by the custom event handler");

        if (!this.getEl()) {
            this.expanded = true;

        if (!this.childrenRendered) {
            this.logger.log("children not rendered yet");
            this.getChildrenEl().innerHTML = this.renderChildren();
        } else {
            this.logger.log("children already rendered");

        this.expanded = true;


        // this.getSpacer().title = this.getStateText();

        // We do an extra check for children here because the lazy
        // load feature can expose nodes that have no children.

        // if (!this.hasChildren()) {
        if (this.isLoading) {
            this.expanded = false;

        if (! this.multiExpand) {
            var sibs = this.getSiblings();
            for (var i=0; sibs && i<sibs.length; ++i) {
                if (sibs[i] != this && sibs[i].expanded) { 


        ret = this.tree.fireEvent("expandComplete", this);

    updateIcon: function() {
        if (this.hasIcon) {
            var el = this.getToggleEl();
            if (el) {
                el.className = el.className.replace(/ygtv(([tl][pmn]h?)|(loading))/,this.getStyle());

     * Returns the css style name for the toggle
     * @method getStyle
     * @return {string} the css class for this node's toggle
    getStyle: function() {
        // this.logger.log("No children, " + " isDyanmic: " + this.isDynamic() + " expanded: " + this.expanded);
        if (this.isLoading) {
            this.logger.log("returning the loading icon");
            return "ygtvloading";
        } else {
            // location top or bottom, middle nodes also get the top style
            var loc = (this.nextSibling) ? "t" : "l";

            // type p=plus(expand), m=minus(collapase), n=none(no children)
            var type = "n";
            if (this.hasChildren(true) || (this.isDynamic() && !this.getIconMode())) {
            // if (this.hasChildren(true)) {
                type = (this.expanded) ? "m" : "p";

            // this.logger.log("ygtv" + loc + type);
            return "ygtv" + loc + type;

     * Returns the hover style for the icon
     * @return {string} the css class hover state
     * @method getHoverStyle
    getHoverStyle: function() { 
        var s = this.getStyle();
        if (this.hasChildren(true) && !this.isLoading) { 
            s += "h"; 
        return s;

     * Recursively expands all of this node's children.
     * @method expandAll
    expandAll: function() { 
        for (var i=0;i<this.children.length;++i) {
            var c = this.children[i];
            if (c.isDynamic()) {
                this.logger.log("Not supported (lazy load + expand all)");
            } else if (! c.multiExpand) {
                this.logger.log("Not supported (no multi-expand + expand all)");
            } else {

     * Recursively collapses all of this node's children.
     * @method collapseAll
    collapseAll: function() { 
        for (var i=0;i<this.children.length;++i) {

     * Configures this node for dynamically obtaining the child data
     * when the node is first expanded.  Calling it without the callback
     * will turn off dynamic load for the node.
     * @method setDynamicLoad
     * @param fmDataLoader {function} the function that will be used to get the data.
     * @param iconMode {int} configures the icon that is displayed when a dynamic
     * load node is expanded the first time without children.  By default, the 
     * "collapse" icon will be used.  If set to 1, the leaf node icon will be
     * displayed.
    setDynamicLoad: function(fnDataLoader, iconMode) { 
        if (fnDataLoader) {
            this.dataLoader = fnDataLoader;
            this._dynLoad = true;
        } else {
            this.dataLoader = null;
            this._dynLoad = false;

        if (iconMode) {
            this.iconMode = iconMode;

     * Evaluates if this node is the root node of the tree
     * @method isRoot
     * @return {boolean} true if this is the root node
    isRoot: function() { 
        return (this == this.tree.root);

     * Evaluates if this node's children should be loaded dynamically.  Looks for
     * the property both in this instance and the root node.  If the tree is
     * defined to load all children dynamically, the data callback function is
     * defined in the root node
     * @method isDynamic
     * @return {boolean} true if this node's children are to be loaded dynamically
    isDynamic: function() { 
        if (this.isLeaf) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return (!this.isRoot() && (this._dynLoad || this.tree.root._dynLoad));
            // this.logger.log("isDynamic: " + lazy);
            // return lazy;

     * Returns the current icon mode.  This refers to the way childless dynamic
     * load nodes appear (this comes into play only after the initial dynamic
     * load request produced no children).
     * @method getIconMode
     * @return {int} 0 for collapse style, 1 for leaf node style
    getIconMode: function() {
        return (this.iconMode || this.tree.root.iconMode);

     * Checks if this node has children.  If this node is lazy-loading and the
     * children have not been rendered, we do not know whether or not there
     * are actual children.  In most cases, we need to assume that there are
     * children (for instance, the toggle needs to show the expandable 
     * presentation state).  In other times we want to know if there are rendered
     * children.  For the latter, "checkForLazyLoad" should be false.
     * @method hasChildren
     * @param checkForLazyLoad {boolean} should we check for unloaded children?
     * @return {boolean} true if this has children or if it might and we are
     * checking for this condition.
    hasChildren: function(checkForLazyLoad) { 
        if (this.isLeaf) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return ( this.children.length > 0 || 
(checkForLazyLoad && this.isDynamic() && !this.dynamicLoadComplete) );

     * Expands if node is collapsed, collapses otherwise.
     * @method toggle
    toggle: function() {
        if (!this.tree.locked && ( this.hasChildren(true) || this.isDynamic()) ) {
            if (this.expanded) { this.collapse(); } else { this.expand(); }

     * Returns the markup for this node and its children.
     * @method getHtml
     * @return {string} the markup for this node and its expanded children.
    getHtml: function() {

        this.childrenRendered = false;

        var sb = [];
        sb[sb.length] = '<div class="ygtvitem" id="' + this.getElId() + '">';
        sb[sb.length] = this.getNodeHtml();
        sb[sb.length] = this.getChildrenHtml();
        sb[sb.length] = '</div>';
        return sb.join("");

     * Called when first rendering the tree.  We always build the div that will
     * contain this nodes children, but we don't render the children themselves
     * unless this node is expanded.
     * @method getChildrenHtml
     * @return {string} the children container div html and any expanded children
     * @private
    getChildrenHtml: function() {

        var sb = [];
        sb[sb.length] = '<div class="ygtvchildren"';
        sb[sb.length] = ' id="' + this.getChildrenElId() + '"';

        // This is a workaround for an IE rendering issue, the child div has layout
        // in IE, creating extra space if a leaf node is created with the expanded
        // property set to true.
        if (!this.expanded || !this.hasChildren()) {
            sb[sb.length] = ' style="display:none;"';
        sb[sb.length] = '>';

        // this.logger.log(["index", this.index, 
                         // "hasChildren", this.hasChildren(true), 
                         // "expanded", this.expanded, 
                         // "renderHidden", this.renderHidden, 
                         // "isDynamic", this.isDynamic()]);

        // Don't render the actual child node HTML unless this node is expanded.
        if ( (this.hasChildren(true) && this.expanded) ||
                (this.renderHidden && !this.isDynamic()) ) {
            sb[sb.length] = this.renderChildren();

        sb[sb.length] = '</div>';

        return sb.join("");

     * Generates the markup for the child nodes.  This is not done until the node
     * is expanded.
     * @method renderChildren
     * @return {string} the html for this node's children
     * @private
    renderChildren: function() {

        this.logger.log("rendering children for " + this.index);

        var node = this;

        if (this.isDynamic() && !this.dynamicLoadComplete) {
            this.isLoading = true;
            this.tree.locked = true;

            if (this.dataLoader) {
                this.logger.log("Using dynamic loader defined for this node");

                    function() {
                            function() { 
                    }, 10);
            } else if (this.tree.root.dataLoader) {
                this.logger.log("Using the tree-level dynamic loader");

                    function() {
                            function() { 
                    }, 10);

            } else {
                this.logger.log("no loader found");
                return "Error: data loader not found or not specified.";

            return "";

        } else {
            return this.completeRender();

     * Called when we know we have all the child data.
     * @method completeRender
     * @return {string} children html
    completeRender: function() {
        this.logger.log("completeRender: " + this.index + ", # of children: " + this.children.length);
        var sb = [];

        for (var i=0; i < this.children.length; ++i) {
            // this.children[i].childrenRendered = false;
            sb[sb.length] = this.children[i].getHtml();
        this.childrenRendered = true;

        return sb.join("");

     * Load complete is the callback function we pass to the data provider
     * in dynamic load situations.
     * @method loadComplete
    loadComplete: function() {
        this.logger.log(this.index + " loadComplete, children: " + this.children.length);
        this.getChildrenEl().innerHTML = this.completeRender();
        this.dynamicLoadComplete = true;
        this.isLoading = false;
        this.tree.locked = false;

     * Returns this node's ancestor at the specified depth.
     * @method getAncestor
     * @param {int} depth the depth of the ancestor.
     * @return {Node} the ancestor
    getAncestor: function(depth) {
        if (depth >= this.depth || depth < 0)  {
            this.logger.log("illegal getAncestor depth: " + depth);
            return null;

        var p = this.parent;
        while (p.depth > depth) {
            p = p.parent;

        return p;

     * Returns the css class for the spacer at the specified depth for
     * this node.  If this node's ancestor at the specified depth
     * has a next sibling the presentation is different than if it
     * does not have a next sibling
     * @method getDepthStyle
     * @param {int} depth the depth of the ancestor.
     * @return {string} the css class for the spacer
    getDepthStyle: function(depth) {
        return (this.getAncestor(depth).nextSibling) ? 
            "ygtvdepthcell" : "ygtvblankdepthcell";

     * Get the markup for the node.  This may be overrided so that we can
     * support different types of nodes.
     * @method getNodeHtml
     * @return {string} The HTML that will render this node.
    getNodeHtml: function() { 
        this.logger.log("Generating html");
        var sb = [];

        sb[sb.length] = '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="ygtvdepth' + this.depth + '">';
        sb[sb.length] = '<tr class="ygtvrow">';
        for (var i=0;i<this.depth;++i) {
            sb[sb.length] = '<td class="' + this.getDepthStyle(i) + '"><div class="ygtvspacer"></div></td>';

        if (this.hasIcon) {
            sb[sb.length] = '<td'; 
            sb[sb.length] = ' id="' + this.getToggleElId() + '"';
            sb[sb.length] = ' class="' + this.getStyle() + '"';
            sb[sb.length] = '><a href="#" class="ygtvspacer">&nbsp;</a></td>';

        sb[sb.length] = '<td';
        sb[sb.length] = ' id="' + this.contentElId + '"'; 
        sb[sb.length] = ' class="' + this.contentStyle  + ' ygtvcontent" ';
        sb[sb.length] = (this.nowrap) ? ' nowrap="nowrap" ' : '';
        sb[sb.length] = ' >';
		sb[sb.length] = this.getContentHtml();
        sb[sb.length] = '</td>';
        sb[sb.length] = '</tr>';
        sb[sb.length] = '</table>';

        return sb.join("");

     * Get the markup for the contents of the node.  This is designed to be overrided so that we can
     * support different types of nodes.
     * @method getContentHtml
     * @return {string} The HTML that will render the content of this node.
	getContentHtml: function () {
		return "";

     * Regenerates the html for this node and its children.  To be used when the
     * node is expanded and new children have been added.
     * @method refresh
    refresh: function() {
        // this.loadComplete();
        this.getChildrenEl().innerHTML = this.completeRender();

        if (this.hasIcon) {
            var el = this.getToggleEl();
            if (el) {
                el.className = this.getStyle();

     * Node toString
     * @method toString
     * @return {string} string representation of the node
    toString: function() {
        return this._type + " (" + this.index + ")";
	* array of items that had the focus set on them
	* so that they can be cleaned when focus is lost
	* @property _focusHighlightedItems
	* @type Array of DOM elements
	* @private
	_focusHighlightedItems: [],
	_focusedItem: null,
	* Sets the focus on the node element.
	* It will only be able to set the focus on nodes that have anchor elements in it.  
	* Toggle or branch icons have anchors and can be focused on.  
	* If will fail in nodes that have no anchor
	* @method focus
	* @return {boolean} success
	focus: function () {
		var focused = false, self = this;

		var removeListeners = function () {
			var el;
			if (self._focusedItem) {
				self._focusedItem = null;
			while ((el = self._focusHighlightedItems.shift())) {  // yes, it is meant as an assignment, really
				Dom.removeClass(el,YAHOO.widget.TreeView.FOCUS_CLASS_NAME );

		Dom.getElementsBy  ( 
			function (el) {
				return /ygtv(([tl][pmn]h?)|(content))/.test(el.className);
			} ,
			'td' , 
			this.getEl().firstChild , 
			function (el) {
				Dom.addClass(el, YAHOO.widget.TreeView.FOCUS_CLASS_NAME );
				if (!focused) { 
					var aEl = el.getElementsByTagName('a');
					if (aEl.length) {
						aEl = aEl[0];
						self._focusedItem = aEl;
						focused = true;
		if (!focused) { removeListeners(); }
		return focused;

     * Count of nodes in tree
     * @method getNodeCount
     * @return {int} number of nodes in the tree
    getNodeCount: function() {
		for (var i = 0, count = 0;i< this.children.length;i++) {
			count += this.children[i].getNodeCount();
        return count + 1;
     * Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
     * It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
     * It will return false if the node or any children loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
     * @method getNodeDefinition
     * @return {Object | false}  definition of the tree or false if the node or any children is defined as dynamic
    getNodeDefinition: function() {
		if (this.isDynamic()) { return false; }
		var def, defs =, children = []; 
		if (this.href) { defs.href = this.href; }
		if ( != '_self') { =; }
		if (this.expanded) {defs.expanded = this.expanded; }
		if (!this.multiExpand) { defs.multiExpand = this.multiExpand; }
		if (!this.hasIcon) { defs.hasIcon = this.hasIcon; }
		if (this.nowrap) { defs.nowrap = this.nowrap; }
		defs.type = this._type;
		for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length;i++) {
			def = this.children[i].getNodeDefinition();
			if (def === false) { return false;}
		if (children.length) { defs.children = children; }
		return defs;

     * Generates the link that will invoke this node's toggle method
     * @method getToggleLink
     * @return {string} the javascript url for toggling this node
    getToggleLink: function() {
        return 'return false;';


YAHOO.augment(YAHOO.widget.Node, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);

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