Boolean indicating if submenus are automatically made
visible when the user mouses over the menu's items.
Default Value: true
String representing the CSS class to be applied to the
menu's root <div>
element. The specified class(es)
are appended in addition to the default class as specified by the menu's
CSS_CLASS_NAME constant. When set this property is automatically
applied to all submenus.
Default Value: null
Boolean indicating if the menu will automatically be
hidden if the user clicks outside of it. This property is only
applied when the "position" configuration property is set to dynamic
and is automatically applied to all submenus.
Default Value: true
Boolean indicating if the menu will try to remain inside
the boundaries of the size of viewport. This property is only applied
when the "position" configuration property is set to dynamic and is
automatically applied to all submenus.
Default Value: true
HTML element reference or string specifying the id
attribute of the HTML element that the menu's markup should be
rendered into.
Default Value: document.body
Array of context arguments for context-sensitive positioning.
The format is: [id or element, element corner, context corner].
For example, setting this property to ["img1", "tl", "bl"] would
align the Mnu's top left corner to the context element's
bottom left corner. This property is only applied when the "position"
configuration property is set to dynamic.
Default Value: null
Boolean indicating if the menu should be disabled.
Disabling a menu disables each of its items. (Disabled menu items are
dimmed and will not respond to user input or fire events.) Disabled
menus have a corresponding "disabled" CSS class applied to their root
Default Value: false
Object or array of objects representing the ContainerEffect
classes that are active for animating the container. When set this
property is automatically applied to all submenus.
Default Value: null
Boolean indicating if the Menu should be anchored to the
center of the viewport. This property is only applied when the
"position" configuration property is set to dynamic.
Default Value: false
Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should
expire before the menu is hidden. This property is only applied when
the "position" configuration property is set to dynamic and is
automatically applied to all submenus.
Default Value: 0
Boolean indicating whether or not the Menu should
have an IFRAME shim; used to prevent SELECT elements from
poking through an Overlay instance in IE6. When set to "true",
the iframe shim is created when the Menu instance is intially
made visible. This property is only applied when the "position"
configuration property is set to dynamic and is automatically applied
to all submenus.
Default Value: true for IE6 and below, false for all other browsers.
Boolean indicating if the menu should remain open when clicked.
Default Value: flase
Number defining the maximum height (in pixels) for a menu's
body element (<div class="bd"<
). Once a menu's body
exceeds this height, the contents of the body are scrolled to maintain
this value. This value cannot be set lower than the value of the
"minscrollheight" configuration property.
Default Value: 0
Number defining the minimum threshold for the "maxheight"
configuration property. When set this property is automatically applied
to all submenus.
Default Value: 90
String indicating how a menu should be positioned on the
screen. Possible values are "static" and "dynamic." Static menus are
visible by default and reside in the normal flow of the document
(CSS position: static). Dynamic menus are hidden by default, reside
out of the normal flow of the document (CSS position: absolute), and
can overlay other elements on the screen.
Default Value: dynamic
Boolean indicating whether or not a submenu should overlap its parent MenuItem
when the "constraintoviewport" configuration property is set to "true".
Default Value: true
Number used to control the scroll speed of a menu. Used to
increment the "scrollTop" property of the menu's body by when a menu's
content is scrolling. When set this property is automatically applied
to all submenus.
Default Value: 1
Boolean indicating if the menu should have a shadow.
Default Value: true
Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should
expire before a submenu is made visible when the user mouses over
the menu's items. This property is only applied when the "position"
configuration property is set to dynamic and is automatically applied
to all submenus.
Default Value: 250
Array defining how submenus should be aligned to their
parent menu item. The format is: [itemCorner, submenuCorner]. By default
a submenu's top left corner is aligned to its parent menu item's top
right corner.
Default Value: ["tl","tr"]
Number indicating the time (in milliseconds) that should
expire before a submenu is hidden when the user mouses out of a menu item
heading in the direction of a submenu. The value must be greater than or
equal to the value specified for the "showdelay" configuration property.
This property is only applied when the "position" configuration property
is set to dynamic and is automatically applied to all submenus.
Default Value: 250
Boolean indicating whether or not the menu is visible. If
the menu's "position" configuration property is set to "dynamic" (the
default), this property toggles the menu's <div>
element's "visibility" style property between "visible" (true) or
"hidden" (false). If the menu's "position" configuration property is
set to "static" this property toggles the menu's
element's "display" style property
between "block" (true) or "none" (false).
Default Value: false
- Number
Number representing the absolute x-coordinate position of
the Menu. This property is only applied when the "position"
configuration property is set to dynamic.
Default Value: null
- Number[]
Array of the absolute x and y positions of the Menu. This
property is only applied when the "position" configuration property is
set to dynamic.
Default Value: null
- Number
Number representing the absolute y-coordinate position of
the Menu. This property is only applied when the "position"
configuration property is set to dynamic.
Default Value: null